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If you are a teenager and you are concerned about your weight, the first step is to see a doctor. If he or she confirms that you are overweight or obese, it is time to begin planning a weight loss program to help get yourself back on track. The following article will point out a few ways that you can slim down safely and effectively.

It is important to initially look at your diet, as you are unlikely to lose weight unless you begin eating better foods. Still, remember that you have to continue to eat if you want to slim down; restricting yourself from food makes your metabolism slow to a crawl. Since your metabolism is what burns fat, this will severely impede your efforts, and you also won’t feel good. Therefore, the best step is to take a look at the food pyramid and begin following it. Try drinking a glass of water before you eat to fill up your stomach, and focus on getting four servings of vegetables a day and three servings of fruit a day. Make a plan so that you aren’t as likely to slip; come up with ideas for each meal of the day that are healthy and that follow the food pyramid.

Get active. This isn’t always easy, particularly with school and family obligations, but if you really work at it, it can be fun. Look at your daily schedule and figure out what you can do to add a little extra fitness to your life. For example, if you have a dog, start taking him for a walk before school. If you are allowed to, walk around the track at school during lunch (but eat first!). Little changes can make a huge difference in your weight loss efforts, so get creative. In addition, try to identify at least four of five times during the week where you can engage in at least thirty minutes of activity. Do things you like to do: ride your bike, go rollerblading or take a dance class. If you look forward to working out, you are more likely to do it.

It can be hard to say no when your family and friends are indulging in snacks or junk food. To keep yourself on track and carry around a pack of sugar-free gum with you. Pop a piece whenever you feel like “cheating,” and it will help you manage your cravings. In addition, make sure the people that are around you know that you are trying to lose weight. They are much more likely to encourage you, rather than offer you food, if they understand what you are trying to do.

Weight loss isn’t easy, but it can be done. Remember to keep in contact with your doctor along your journey; particularly for teenagers, it is important to make sure that you are establishing healthy habits that you can take with you into adulthood. Remain persistent, and you will achieve your goals.

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